I started writing this blog in December 2005. In fact, my “blogoversary”
(don’t judge me, I didn’t coin that term) was on December 18th with “My First Blog Entry – Ever!” That post and these past ten years overall are a time
capsule of sorts. This was never intended to be that; it was never intended to
be anything, at least not anything I could put my finger on. It was just
something I decided to do (that happens a lot in my life – it’s not always a
good thing). In rereading that first post, all of my naiveté, my enthusiasm, my
not-so-youthful exuberance and my inexperience all shine through. I have
written more than 550 original posts since that day – hundreds of thousands of
words – and all are part of me. I have written the vast majority of my words in
the past 12 years, only some of which are posted in my blog. Much of that work
can be found in the various newspapers I once worked for, some in the academic
papers I’ve written (some of which were accepted for presentation at regional
and national academic conferences), some of my words are hand-written and lost
forever and, of course, since Facebook has conquered the world, much can be
found there as well. In my second post I revealed why I named this blog “The 25 Year Plan” and why I started it in the first place. I also revealed more about
myself and in doing so I set one of the more particular, more defined directions
this body of work would take. Reflection.
The subtitle for this blog is “Perspectives, Purpose &
Opinion.” While it still is certainly that, it was much more so in the earlier
years. In more recent years it is more about my life and what it all means than
anything else. To be clear, I’ll write about anything and post it here, but I don’t write just for the sake of
writing like I used to. I wasn’t exactly young when I started this and I am ten
years older now – my idealism is heavily tempered by realism. Furthermore, the
blog forum, or what it once was anyway, has been usurped by more sound-bite
sized Facebook posts. I am “accused” of writing too much (or using too many
words, or taking too much of others’ time, or whatever…) on Facebook often enough
to notice it. But it seems that prior to the globalization of the world through
Facebook, the “blogosphere” (again, not my term) was the place to get deep and
really think about what our positions are… and why. It was the critical thinker’s
version of online discussion and, for the most part, is was also civil.
However, I have written blog-sized Facebook posts and I do get a fair number of
readers who actually do engage with what I write. Civil discussions often
ensue. It is good. But returning to what this blog is about in its current
manifestation, I’d say it’s that middle term in the subtext, “purpose.”
The term, “blog,” is actually a consolidation of two words, “web”
and “log.” A “log” is an accounting, a record of what has transpired; the term
can be captured in a line often heard from Captain James T. Kirk in Star Trek – “Captain’s Log, Stardate 93601.3”
A blog, therefore, is an online journal. At least that what they started out
as. This one still is and, to a certain extent, is even more so today. That
purpose written into the subtitle is most often revealed through reflection
and, for me, the best way to access that is by writing. Subsequently and
instantly sharing my thoughts with the world through the quasi-magic of the
Internet doesn’t change the real magic created by the written words. Like
Captain Kirk’s log, my blog (and other writing) tells me where I’ve been and
helps me understand what it means. It is about discovering that elusive purpose.

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