I write about all sorts of things all the time. I am usually
“prompted” by something, some stimulus. Often, probably too often, it is in the
form of an interjection on a Facebook post or, also often, some “controversial”
post of my own. These things are usually in response to something else, and
more often than not that something else has to do with politics, government or
societal structures. While important topics to be sure, the platform does not
lend itself to any really deep discussion, though I do try. Typically, however,
if comments and/or posts are longer than a typical “soundbite,” they are
This piece will be placed on my blog, The 25 Year Plan, as my 11th post this year. Considering
I posted 158 and 132 posts in 2006 and 2007, respectively, this is a very low
number. However, compared to the last five years, it is about average and,
compared to 2012 (just six entries), it is a banner year. That was an interesting
year, and not in a good way, though there were some good moments. This blog,
this online journal of “Perspective, Purpose and Opinion” celebrated its 13th
birthday two days ago. I knew I started it around this time of year, but I did
not realize until just now that my “blogoversary” had passed. In most of those
13 years, I have written some sort of year-end reflection. It has taken
different forms over the years, and some years – like 2012 – there was none,
but a quick review of my reviews has proven somewhat profound.
When I started this thing, I was just emerging from a pretty
dark place in my life. In December, 2005, I had just a little more than one
year clean from all mind and mood affecting drugs – alcohol included. I was
back in school, doing better than I ever had and life was good. Just a year
prior, though I had no desire to write about my life and no blog to post it in
anyway, I remember where I was – clean just a few months and freshly out of
jail, again. I had pissed away nine months of clean-time (and success) the year
before and was, one more time, in the early phases of recovery. Things were not
going well, life was not very rosy and I came very close to going back to what
I knew would make me not care. I was at “Fuck This!” many times and on New Year’s
Eve of 2004, all by myself and alone in the world, I came very close to going
back to the devil I knew.
But I did not get any drugs and I did not drink. I went home
and went to bed hating my life. From August 2004 to that day, there was not a
single day that was “good.” I was surviving and I was doing it without any
drugs to numb the pain and make me not care. Sometime in the beginning of 2005,
things started to change. I went back to school at the local community college
and managed to accomplish some things. By the time my one-year clean anniversary
came around, I was a junior at the California State University, Sacramento and
on my way to earning a BA in government-journalism. And I was writing – a lot.
Eventually, an internship at a local newspaper gave me the opportunity to get reacquainted
with a talent I’d abandoned more than 20 years prior. I was writing a lot and taking my camera everywhere I went.
And I was staying clean. All the success that had eluded me
for years and years, success I knew I was able to achieve, but just couldn’t,
was finally coming. For the longest time I was waiting for the other show to drop.
I mean, it had to – the bottom always fell out from under me. It was my curse,
or so I thought. However, after a few years that were my “best year ever,” I
started to believe that the curse was lifted along with my drug use. Indeed, I started
to recognize that they were one and the same. True, there were ups and downs
and unexpected challenges, the inevitable inequities of life popped up from
time to time, but never was anything enough to derail me. I was on a roll…
But despite my good fortune and the work I had done to make
all that happen, I am still capable of making bad decisions. In 2012 I made one
of the worst decisions (though, still not the
worst) of my life. The fallout from it would be prevalent and palpable for at
least two or three years. In some respects, it is still falling out, but on a
day-to-day basis, it is nothing but occasional and infrequent background noise.
However, my 2013 and 2014 were decidedly not my “best year ever.” The other
shoe, it would appear, had dropped. But the blow did not derail me. I had, by
that point, built a foundation that could weather that and other storms. Did I
take a hit? Damned right I did, but I was not a victim – I was solely
responsible for the foreseeable and foreseen predicament I found myself in.
By the end of 2015 I was 11 yeas clean, had earned my Bachelor
of Arts and my Master of Arts at CSUS and was a doctoral candidate – a dissertation
away - from a PhD at Louisiana State University. For reasons that cannot be easily
quantified, I never did that dissertation and left LSU with another MA.
Failure, to be sure, but a failure that saw a lot of success along the way. I
made the final decision to abandon the PhD before my coursework for another MA “timed-out.”
I knew there would be times that I’d regret that decision, and I have, but I am
also in a place in my life that is supremely satisfying. Hindsight has shown it
was and is still the right decision for me. That mistake in 2012 was an
ill-fated and short-lived marriage and it surely played a part, but there was much
more than just that. And while I do not believe in “destiny,” or any other preordained
reality, I do believe that I gravitated to what serves me best. Part of what I
thought that would look like is being single for the rest of my life. I not
only accepted that reality, I liked it.
That did not come to pass, however, and my current relationship
– now more than two years old – is far and away the healthiest relationship I
have ever been in. Christine and I have been living together – along with some
of our kids – for six months. Amazing as it sounds (even to me, still), there
have been no problems. We have been hit with some of the inevitable inequities
of life, but we have adapted and persevered. Most recently, my youngest son was
involved in a very serious motorcycle wreck, one he is still rehabilitating
from – and that is a situation that will be ongoing for some time to come. We
are dealing with it. My girlfriend’s youngest daughter is autistic – and brilliant.
She is getting ready to go to college and Christine is a little stressed. And we
are dealing with it.
While Christine has her life and I have mine – and our kids
have theirs, too – we are also now part of the great big same thing and we do
that together. Even with all the inequities… this year has been a very good
year. And we are dealing with that, too.
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