Lack of acceptance – patience – humility – gratitude – all that and more. I had not forgotten how it was or how far I have come, but I was beginning to forget how long - how long it was and how long it took. I was starting to internalize external problems. Why? Perhaps because I did not have any real problems of my own. It has been an ongoing part of my life that nothing worth anything lasts for very long. It was, I am beginning to finally realize, a prophecy I personally fulfilled.
This time I didn’t go there, however, I did take a long hard look in that direction. I’d like to say that, realizing I was turning down a spiritual dead-end, I took action to avert disaster, but that is not exactly the case. I did take action – months ago. The things that I started doing even when I didn’t need to, had become habits. Habits, being habitual in nature, are often performed automatically. These habits include the very things I need to do to add the necessary two or three drops of water back into the glass to make it again half-full.
Keep the positive thoughts coming my friend, because as I have noticed lately.....life is all about perception. A positive outlook changes things....and I send you all the positive vibes I can for you to continually see a half-full glass :)
Attitude is everything. At least its a major influcening factor.
As Barbara says, attitude is everything. I think that's very true. Sometimes that's a saying that's dismissed as trite, but the older I get the more I see it proven time and time again.
Man, do I ever get what you're saying!
I think that was a contributing factor to my mid-mid-life crisis a year ago. My life was just too - normal! Now, I'd give anything to have that back. I guess it's a good think that I'm young enough to try again and old enough to know that I should!
To play devil's advocate, peace IS boring. Struggle lends itself to growth.
I've noticed you go towards confrontation. It's a quality that will be great when you're writing for media. I will be watching for your stories with interest. Go forth, young padawan. ;)
Personally I enjoy the peaceful moments.... I've had enough confrontations and drama to know that silence has a soothing voice of it's own.
Here's to always filled glasses... and may your cup runneth over.
I am soooo there with you my man! I am slowly learning to enjoy the rewards of all my years of hard work. Sometimes it feels as if I am stagnating, it's so easy, so boring. The trick is to enjoy the here and now while looking out for the next big adventure. So I'm ever watchful for new challenges, while I sit with a nice drink and my feet propped up on the porch railing. ;-)
I like to think of it as half-full!
Have a great weekend!
To all: I have been negligent in my obligation of responding to comments. I am trying to be more timely... if you commented on my last post, I have posted my response.
oilf ~ so true. Being positive has changed my life -- thanks for the vibes and back atcha!
barbara ~ a positive attitude is the only way to go.
saur ~ indeed, I prove it to myself over and over again.
jinsane ~ Ya, normal is highly underrated!
lacey ~ I believe that comfort and peace are not interchangable AND that for peace to grow with us, confrontation is unavoidable.
ellen ~ thank you. To partially contradict what I said to lacey, the moments of silence are precious. I just don't believe they are necessarily sustainable. Perhaps though, managable.
VV ~ funny you should say that, for at this very moment, my feet are planted not on the porch railing, but its indoor equivalent, the coffee table!
lee ann ~ You 2, and a belated HHNT!
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