Friday, March 02, 2007

New Old Stuff on Overflow

I just received my new scanner via the wonderfully efficient people over at FedEx. I don't have time to say much more than that right now. Go over to my photo blog to see sone of my favorite shots (so far). I shot it with a Canon AE-1 Program on Ilford HP5 Plus, ISO 400. I printed it on Ilford Multigrade IV RC Deluxe. Everything was done on film and in a dark room right up to when the print hit the scanner bed.

Gotta Run... there will be more.


Anonymous said...

Oh now...that is cool!

OldLady Of The Hills said...

Really nice photo Mike....So you took the picture and developed it the old fashioned way...Printed it the old fashioned way and then "scanned" it in with your new scanner?? Do I have that right?
I'm fascinated by the fact that that is the way you did this...Is this better than digital everything? Do tell more when you have a chance...!
Michele sent me over this morning...!

Bobkat said...

That is a wonderfully atmospheric photo.

Do you prefer film photography then? What I like is the chance to experiment with digital photography - instant feedback and the ability to delet anyhting you don't like make it easy to adjust and try different things.

Michele sent me and I have been able to leave you a comment at last!

utenzi said...

Michele sent me over again, Mike. Sortof.

I guess whoever provides that word verification thing must have their servers down--but you'd think that after 3 days they'd have the problem fixed. Oh well.

Congrats on your new scanner. My only one is 8 years old and just doesn't work very well. I keep meaning to buy a new one but never seem to bother...

Anonymous said...

I didn't know you had a photo blog too. Man, you're very talented. I love the second photo of the orangy building on your campus. It's stunning. The sky looks just like one of those postcards from the 40's. Excellent work.

Michele sent me.

craziequeen said...

What a nice photo, Mike. I do like sepia prints. How clever you are :-)

Michele sent me today


carmilevy said...

Great mood, Mike. I can't wait to see what other secrets your "real" photos hold. You've reminded me of why I fell in love with photography in the first place.

Keep 'em coming...

David Edward said...

can you someday tell us what the 25 year plan is....
mine never happened.
here from michele's

Anonymous said...

I love that picture! All those pictures on your photo blog were really wonderful, I'm a big fan of black & white photography so I liked those best though.
Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier.

Catherine said...

I enjoyed all the pictures on your photo blog. Have fun with the new scanner. Michele sent me.

Panthergirl said...

Beautiful stuff! Thanks for turning us on to your photoblog.

Here via michele today...

Anonymous said...

Self potrait in glass or is it mirror? Sounds like you're about to have some big fun! I came by way of our friend Michele.

Pat said...

Just popped over to say g'night before I go to beddy byes. My latest scanner is xerox and so far has been great. Hope yours is a good one. Have a good week! Michele says Hi!