On September 29th - almost three months ago, I was rear-ended by a moron riding
a 2002 Honda VTX1800. The impact on my right saddle bag and exhaust was
strong enough to shatter my right saddle bag, lid and shove my exhaust forward
about a quarter inch, breaking its mounting point. It also propelled me into my
son riding his new 2016 Sportster Roadster. His bike had a little more than
3,000 miles on it, my (almost to the day) one-year old 2017 had about 21,000
miles on it (yes, his 2016 was newer than my 2017). The impact of my front wheel/fender/crash
bar/fairing/turn signal (they all had damage) was enough to put him into a
slide which high-sided him when it instantaneously corrected. He went left, the
Sportster went down on its right side. I managed to keep my bike upright, but
dropped it as soon as I stopped (maybe not quite stopped) because I saw my son
go down and things like kick stands don't seem too important in those few
seconds of not knowing if he was hurt or not.
He was fine. He had minor
road rash, but otherwise no injuries. I was fine, too, no injuries at all. The
other guy was not fine, he had non-life-threatening injuries (busted shoulder?
collarbone? something like that). At the time I had some empathy for him, but now,
almost three months later with every new headache and delay - some his fault
due to not only his negligence, but also his minimal insurance coverage, and
some not his direct responsibility except
that he caused it all in the first place - the more time that has passed and
with every new twist... I hope it still
hurts. I hope it cost him his bike. I hope he never rides again - for his safety as well as ours.
But I digress. Since my
son and I both have full coverage that greatly exceeds the state mandatory
minimums, we were covered. The estimate on my bike was right about $10,000. The
estimate on my son's bike was almost $7,000. Both bikes could have been fixed
and looking good for less because not every little thing had to be restored to
new condition. The money saved on, say, a minor scratch on the fork tube
(replacement = hundreds of dollars, a back Sharpie costs much less) could be
used for something else. Our local dealer won't do that, but the independents
will; my friend owned a shop that could do both bikes the way we wanted them
done. However, my son’s insurance company decided that $6,900 was too much to
spend on an $11,500 bike and, after fighting them for two or three weeks, they
totaled it. They ended up paying the shop more than $1,000 in estimate and
storage fees and took the bike away. It was not cost-neutral for my son, but in
retrospect, it wasn’t the worst outcome.
Because my bike cost
almost three times as much, it was not totaled. The insurance company had a
$9,978 check made out to me and the shop about a month after the wreck. Then we
ordered parts, the first were the custom rear fender, saddle bags and one lid,
painted to match, from Bad Dad. The lead-time on those parts, because we were
having them do the paint, was about a month. Other parts would be ordered as
needed because the lead-time was shorter, but the new two-into-one exhaust and
front fender were supposed to have been on order as well. Just about a month
later, I got word that the owner had committed suicide. No one, at least no one
I knew, saw it coming. It’s sad. While not among his closest friends, Dennis
was my friend and it saddens me that he would choose a permanent solution to a
temporary problem. But it also left me in a very precarious position and the end
result, while not absolute yet, looks like I will have lost more than half that
nearly $10,000 check.

It also meant that I
would have to finish acquiring parts and complete the build myself. I needed a
front fender, exhaust and some minor body work done on the outer fairing. Then
both the fairing and front fender had to be painted. I also had to get my
garage squared away - it has been a very long time since I have done anything
remotely resembling major work in there. It was a long overdue project that is
now done. In the end, putting my bike together cost me about 15 hours of labor,
much of that is longer than normal due to a learning curve for certain tasks I
was not familiar with - others I have done before, but they are just time consuming.
It also cost me around $2,500 out of pocket to cover what was not ordered, but
already paid for. I had to wait a couple of weeks for the paint to get in
before the painter could shoot the outer fairing and front fender. And during
the two-day reassembly process, I was frustrated to the point of trading her in
more than once - of just saying, “fuck this!”
But she ultimately came
together beautifully. There are only a couple of things I’d like to revisit,
but they are not critical and, more importantly, they are not preventing me
from riding this gorgeous Street Glide (very) Special. The name of the shop was
(because it no longer “is,” it died with Dennis) V Dawg Cycles. Dennis was in
business for more than seven years and worked on all of my bikes at one point
or another. This one was going to be different, this one was going to be a V
Dawg build. I guess in a way, it still is. It is, in a way, a tribute to a man
I had a lot of respect for, even if the end was more than a little off-putting.
Suicide is generally a tough thing for those left to deal with and in this
case, it left me with that and a large sum of money that disappeared into thin
I haven’t ridden much or
far since finishing her up yesterday, but I can say that it was just like
old-times, but better. She runs better, looks way better and now, there is not
another Street Glide anywhere that is just like this one. We ride Harleys and
other similar bikes for a lot of reasons, among them is that they are an extension
of our creativity, our individuality, and, in part, of our identities. A Harley
commercial a few years ago finished with, “What you ride says a lot about who
you are.” Who I am is not easy to nail down - just like this build. It was
messy. It was complicated. It was frustrating. And it still all came together.
Just like me.
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