She doesn’t see much political stuff, either. It’s a good
thing because she really, truly, has no fucks to give. However, she still sees
some of the pettiness of others, amplified on Facebook to monumental proportions.
Maybe it’s because she keeps her yap shut, but that human shallowness so prevalent
on Facebook doesn’t seem to faze her. She ignores it. She doesn’t participate. It
rolls off of her like the proverbial water rolls off the proverbial duck’s
back. It is truly remarkable how nothing, Facebook or otherwise, ever, ever, bothers her. She is unperturbable.
I aspire to be more like her.
It is perhaps fitting, then, that I am her Facebook curator.
I’ve batted around the idea of coming back to Facebook in some limited sense,
but I do not see a way to that end. It will only snowball into the quagmire it
was when I left. The pettiness, the cliques, the unsaid and the partially said (all
that and more, collectively, used to be called “head games”) has become the
rule, the norm, the new juvenility that I will no longer tolerate. So I left.
But Bella likes Facebook just fine. She has found, apparently, that limited
state where, to her, it is nothing but what it ever was, a virtual echo chamber.
It is not real. It is, in her world,
all meaningless. Bella doesn’t care
who is “in” and who is “out,” and, more importantly, doesn’t care where on that
popularity continuum she is. She is not interested in validation, in “likes,”
in comments or tags.
She just doesn’t care. She is truly free, and she is without
being #facebookfree. I am learning from her. In dog years, she is only a little
older than I am, but her wisdom surpasses mine in ways that are unfathomable.
So she doesn’t have opposable thumbs, so what? I do and she has me. We are
helping each other. But mostly, she is helping me.
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